It has been a while since I have had time to post! A lot has gone on starting with there will be a new addition to the Hughes family in January! I am currently 9 weeks I think....I go to the doctor July 13th. We are so very happy and excited to be having one more. I just hope and pray I get our little girl! :) Now on to our boys!
Adam: He just had his 3rd birthday in May! I cannot believe my baby is 3 years old. I have to say I did cry a little because it feels like just yesterday they were handing me my 10 lb sweet baby! But I have to say I am so proud of how he is growing up! He is so smart! We started potty training a few days after his birthday and I am proud to say that he is out of diapers for good!!! :) He has done soo awesome. There were a few accidents the second day but since then nothing but dry "good boy pants" (thats what he calls is under ware) He even wakes up dry! I cannot believe how well he caught on. He is a good boy. This week he has been going to VBS with our neighbors. I was nervous at first but again he has done so well and he loves it! Adam is growing up fast and I am enjoying every moment of it :)
Mason: He just had his First hair cut by Mommy! I was so sad to do it but he needed it bad! I couldn't take one more person calling him a girl! He looks like such a big boy now tho. His 2nd birthday is right around the corner August 25th. That is hard for me to believe too. He is so sweet and funny. There are days that he makes me want to pull my hair out bc he is sooooooo stubborn! But he can always make up for that for being so dang cute! Haha Monday he was running all over the house looking for Bubba and he came up to Matt and said "Bubba is at work" LOL It was too cute! I am so proud of how Mason is growing up too! He is such a smart kid and lovable when he wants to be. Haha! I am a very lucky Momma and glad that God blessed me with Mason and Adam and now baby #3!